Kabsy Consultancy Services a leading Consultancy and Training firm in Academic , business, development and Information Technology in Africa.It has it headquarters in Kabwe, Zambia.The firm was established on 26th August 2010 by Kabaso Sydney Mupukwa. Today it has branches in more than 6 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.
Kabsy Consultancy Services is an overseas leading Consultancy and Training firm in Africa. It is specialized in helping students acquire local and overseas education and support. It is specialized in essay and thesis writing, student’s overseas recruitment's, Customer Service Training, domestic workers Training, Solar energy, image building, leadership development, cleaning services, waste management, business investments, distance and E- learning training, Web Designing, Email Customization and InfoTech mobile training’s.
Kabsy Consultancy Services provides consultancy and Training services to thousands of local and International clients.It uses modern Information Technology skills in all consultancy works, our services are professional and affordable.Our consultancy team is able to reach any part of the world and this make it possible for you to deal with us through our online 24 hours consultancy line.
The mission of Kabsy Consultancy Services is to create a sustainable, financial education,development and Information technology services increase income and employment of the poor and stimulate business growth in Africa and the World at large.
Kabsy Consultancy Services is focused on attaining operational sustanability leading to eventual commercialization.
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